28 April 2020

Trip Update #5 - February 2020

Our first trip out to the farm was a windy beautiful day.  The bay and the lagoon were a bit choppy.  

A farm wheelbarrow had been requested a couple times to help with the planting after the clearing.  We checked a few in the Central District and got a good plastic one.  The metal ones don't last in the salt air.  Tied it to the top of a taxi and headed to the dock to meet the boat.

A few months ago our caretakers had to stop some people that were getting ready to cut trees along the canal.  Doesn't look like any real damage was done and haven't heard of any other issues since.

Always a great boat ride up the canal.  Lots of nature to be seen.  The canal does need some maintenance to make boating easier.  Will see how hard that will be to get done in the future and then will need to set an annual maintenance plan.

21 April 2020

Trip Update #4 - February 2020

Always a bit of paperwork to be done.  My Spanish is not very good but but early on one of my favorite words learned was "Ubicate", which is translated to "Locate".  So when you needed to find something you have to "ubicate" it.

And of course the location of something is the "ubicacion".

The youngest son intently doing paperwork on the front balcony of the hotel.

14 April 2020

Trip Update #3 - February 2020

Our first breakfast in town was at the public market.  Some of the most affordable meals you can find in Bluefields.  We have been going to the same stand for many years now.  It was good to see the owner and get heaping plates of food. 

The market is full of fresh produce and fresh meat that comes in directly from the jungle farms.  Always worth a wander around to see whats in season.  Its a bit dark and dingy but definitely worth checking out.  Its usually a good place to stock up before heading out to the farm for a few days.   

07 April 2020

Trip Update #2 - February 2020

After checking out of Hotel X we headed over to LaCostena to pick up our tickets.  They now have upgraded to a digital check-in system.  We bought the remaining flights for our trip, which included Big Corn, in the office which saves some online fees.  

There was a decent sized crowd of tourists flying east so we got to take the big plane.  Only a few of us got off when we landed in Bluefields, most continued onto Big Corn.  We got medically checked in Managua and in Bluefields.  They had already been preparing for the pandemic.

Finally made it to Bluefields and Caribbean Dream where we have been staying for years now.  It was nice to catch up with so many people we hadn't seen in a while.  There were some tourists staying there but not the normal number of visitors.  Hopefully that number will pick back up in the future.