27 April 2021
Early Morning Shopping
20 April 2021
Miskito not Mosquito
When we first started visiting Bluefields the Police Headquarters was located in the Central District across from the jail. The HQ was a very old historic building that needed a lot of work. The building used to be the home to the King of the Miskito Kingdom.
Miskito People - worth a read, some really great history in this area.
The building was completely rebuilt and turned into a museum. It was being finished and getting ready to open during our last visit before the pandemic. We are looking forward to getting back in town and visiting the museum.
13 April 2021
The Cathedral in Bloom
There are more than one Roman Catholic Churches in Bluefields. Everyone calls this one "The Cathedral". It has a very nice open-air church for services, a school with gymnasium, and sometimes hold public concerts. This if one of the nicer Fire Trees in bloom in the Central District.
06 April 2021
Free Range Benefits
Some free range benefits. The neighborhood herd keeps the grass freshly clipped. They provide speed enforcement in the residential areas. Help to fill the potholes . . .