01 March 2012

The house (6)

     The second floor goes up, the 'sticks' define the roof, and Plycem continues to define the interior spaces.   A new window here and there.   Shutters, doors, railings, and pink paint....

28 February 2012

Unloading 'sticks' for the roof

     The spur has been really great for getting building materials closer to where they're needed.   An earlier post showed a panga-load of block, stone, and bags of concrete...everything in that load was offloaded at the new dock.  It all had to be carried by hand, but not as far as if the load had gone to the original dock and then to the building site.   
     And when time came for offloading the very heavy concrete rings for the new well?   Not an easy job under any circumstance, but for sure less distance to move them from the new dock to where the new well was being dug.
     Some 'sticks' to form the framework of the roof on the new house are coming off the pontoon boat, as well as a final couple of sheets of Plycem and some sheetrock.
Roofing framework, safe behind the gate, ready to be installed

21 February 2012

The spur, an extension to our canal

     Partly for security and partly to make handling supplies easier, we dug a 'spur,' an extension of the waterway, and built a small dock and walkway at its end.   The spur branches off from the dock that was built during the first phase of the project: the original dock where most of the increased traffic now comes.   This spur and the new dock and walkway get boats and supplies closer to the new house where they are behind a gate that stays locked most of the time.
The original dock and at the left, the gate to the spur

  At work on the small dock and walkway, with the unfinished house in the background
From the small dock looking toward the gate, the main pier, and the creek
From the walkway another view of the unfinished house
      (It may become necessary to limit use of and access to the original dock.  Access to the canal will remain open as will access from the canal across my property to the beach.   I couldn't deny access to the beach even if I wanted to.   However, limiting how easy it is to load and unload things that aren't supposed to leave the area might be needed in the future.  Currently when a boat pulls up, everything that comes in it gets piled onto the original dock: tools, food, bedding, oars, dogs, sails, plants, chickens...whatever!  And the reverse is true: when people get ready to go back to Bluefields after a day, or a weekend, or a week, their stuff ends up on that dock for easy loading for their return boat trip.  For now, the only restriction on the use of the original False Bluff dock is to clean up any mess you make and - even that's a hard sell from time to time.)

14 February 2012


     A very recent hatch.
     Close to where a sea turtle was rescued at False Bluff last year, another sea turtle came ashore and laid eggs.  We never saw her...only her tracks.
    My sincere thanks go to Silvia Fox and Digma Blandon for these pictures.  Shown are the hole from which the baby turtles emerged and the remains of some of their eggs. What excellent news for Valentine's Day...

A traffic jam in the creek

     Ever since the creek was opened a year ago there's been a marked increase in boat traffic to False Bluff. People no longer have to travel on foot through the swamp to get from Smokey Lane Lagoon to the Caribbean.  Because the creek is now navigable, more and more boats are pulling up to the dock that I had built during phase one of the project.   
     And I have yet to see a boat arrive at dock with only one person aboard.  There are families who want a day trip to the beach; owners of properties up and down the beach coming out to clean and clear their land; fishermen; hunters; and the occasional coconut thief.   
     Opening the creek has been a boon to property owners but we're also experiencing an influx of people who do not own property and are not satisfied with just stealing a few coconuts.   One of many things that will help with trespassing and theft is that more owners are planning to build, or sell to people who will build.   

07 February 2012

New well

     The rings which line the well that was dug during the first phase of this project were poorly constructed, on site, and the rebar (the steel reinforcing bars/rods which add tensile strength to concrete) have become exposed.   This has caused rust to leach into the water turning it the color of weak tea.   The water's safe for laundry, strangely enough not coloring even white things, and for bathing.   I've even used it for drinking with no ill effects...but we weren't going to use it for drinking long term...so during the second phase, in went a new well.     
     Availability of water is certainly not an issue since False Bluff both fronts and backs onto water.   The big question is whether or not the water will taste salty since wherever a well is located on the property it's going to be close to the Caribbean.   However, the water in the new well is clear and sweet, fed by a strong underwater spring.   When the guys were digging and lining the second well the water filled the hole with an audible gush, working the pump pretty hard.   The pump removed the water while the well was being dug, thus making it possible to dig deeper and install additional rings down to the desired depth.  The rings that line this well weren't made on site but were instead hauled on the pontoon boat to False Bluff from Bluefields, all in one trip...making me glad, again, that I followed the recommendation to buy a pontoon boat.
Old well
New well
     Both wells are useful.

31 January 2012

The house (5)

     The young couple that lives full-time at False Bluff was given a choice of space in the new house and decided to stay on the first floor in the same location that they've occupied for a year.
     This, the first building... 
  ...has become part of the new house...
...and is nearly ready to live in.

24 January 2012

Let there be light...and keep that Kindle charged!

     It's early days in the project at False Bluff and miles from 'civilization' so mostly we do without conventional power sources except for the infrequent use of a borrowed generator to run tools during construction.   Batteries power  a multitude of light sources...hand held or hanging flashlights and headlamps are just a couple.   
     But there is light after dark even without batteries.   Crank the black handle on the underside of the flashlight shown below and you 'generate' enough power for three minutes of bright LED light...and the flashlight holds its charge between uses for at least a couple of weeks.  (I know, I know...the flashlight case says "China" right on the side, but I remember when so many things we bought said "Japan" instead.)  Although the paperwork with this little flashlight claimed 'three minutes' it gives welcome light for a lot longer than that!

     But what about a Kindle?   I'm one of many with a serious reading addiction...I can't make it through a 24-hour period without words, so a stay at False Bluff has been defined by how long the charge lasts on my Kindle and we recently had three Kindles at False Bluff.   
     Now a stay can be indefinite because of a small solar charger.   Most of these will charge anything with a usb port so I could even use my computer (though without internet access, for me that's pretty much a waste of time...but even the internet will eventually come to False Bluff).
Soaking up the sun, this charger is open all the way...
 ...part of the way;
and now it's charging a Kindle. 

18 January 2012

The house (4)

     The second floor goes up and more rooms are enclosed with Plycem - which we use inside and out.   The first small structure built a year ago (see post dated September 2, 2011) is stripped of its wood siding and tied into the new building.   The breezeways both upstairs and downstairs  become defined by the new walls; and the view from the upstairs breezeway is stunning.
Front, facing the Caribbean
View from the upstairs breezeway

09 January 2012

The beach at False Bluff

     Debris washes ashore with every tide and keeping the beach clean is an ongoing job.   Organic material is left in place.   Inorganic material is removed and buried.   Those who visit or live at False Bluff provide the only 'trash collection.'
A guest collecting trash during a week-long stay.
Some of the new house is visible in the lower left.
A clean beach
A clean beach

24 December 2011

"Die Hard"

     Home less than a week to grey skies, falling weather, freezing temperatures, good wine, and a decent steak.   
     My landlady/attorney/friend said to me, at 5:30 on the morning I left Bluefields, "I'm not going to even say goodbye.   You're just going to Virginia for a visit.  This is your home now."
     But here I am with my dogs and cats and birds and three months of dog hair and dust.   Christmas is tomorrow.   Tonight I'm going to watch the all time, best ever Christmas movie.   "Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker!"

22 December 2011

Our small canal, one year later...

     Take a ride down the canal at False Bluff out into Smokey Lane Lagoon...

20 December 2011

Little papayas, big papayas

     The papaya trees were planted from seed less than a year ago and are already loaded with fruit.   
     The smaller, round papayas are about the size of softballs.   They cling to the green tree trunks like Christmas ornaments and are picked and eaten as soon as they turn gold in color.   The white flowers, that also cling to the trunks of the trees, are very fragrant.

     The other variety of papaya growing at False Bluff is much larger and hangs from the tree trunk until showing streaks of yellow near the bottom (most of them weigh more than a beagle).   The fruit is then picked, the top and bottom sliced off, and multiple shallow cuts made in the rind, top to bottom, so that the ripening fruit can 'bleed' and finish ripening:  after four or five days it's turned almost completely yellow.  Then peeled like a big fat apple, it's cut into bite-sized pieces.   Delicious.............

03 December 2011


     My history with paint has been a litany of white:  linen, celery salt, eggshell, sand dollar, ivory, cotton boll, cream, white dove...   
     There's always a white I haven't used yet.  
     But recently I spent days dipping a brush into a can of paint labeled 'Flamingo' and carefully applying the bright pink color to woodwork.   I may need to go into therapy when I return to Virginia, but right now I'm going to buy another couple of gallons of this stuff.