02 June 2020

Trip Update #10 - February 2020

The first trip out to the farm was a on a pretty windy day.  A good breeze makes for some very good front porch time.  The view is also pretty nice.

Need to get a few more building supplies shipped down and the interior work should be ready to start up.  

26 May 2020

Trip Update #9 - February 2020

During the clearing of south False Bluff we were careful to leave mature trees, especially the older sea grapes.  Once they are cleared around and have space they really take off and can bulk up quickly.  They have no set growth pattern, more of a random wander, so as they mature they become very sculptural. 

Sea grapes provide nice shade and good sturdy place to tie a hammock.  They don't have a lot of middle or lower leaves when they mature so they also don't block the breeze.

19 May 2020

Trip Update #8 - February 2020

Not much is better than fresh coconut water on a hot beach day.  The kids helped to harvest some fresh coconuts to have after lunch.  

  Un-husked they are almost more than the kids can carry around.  Worth the effort though and always a good experience for the kids.

12 May 2020

Trip Update #7 - February 2020

The front yard has really transformed since the clearing years ago.  There are still some bare spots left to fill in but overall its coming along quite nicely.

Hopefully soon the new trees will mature enough to start making coconuts to harvest. 

05 May 2020

Trip Update #6 - February 2020

Always good to finally meet new people and see how new projects are coming along out at False Bluff.

Great design and going to make a nice beach house.

With an excellent view and breeze once some trimming has been done!

28 April 2020

Trip Update #5 - February 2020

Our first trip out to the farm was a windy beautiful day.  The bay and the lagoon were a bit choppy.  

A farm wheelbarrow had been requested a couple times to help with the planting after the clearing.  We checked a few in the Central District and got a good plastic one.  The metal ones don't last in the salt air.  Tied it to the top of a taxi and headed to the dock to meet the boat.

A few months ago our caretakers had to stop some people that were getting ready to cut trees along the canal.  Doesn't look like any real damage was done and haven't heard of any other issues since.

Always a great boat ride up the canal.  Lots of nature to be seen.  The canal does need some maintenance to make boating easier.  Will see how hard that will be to get done in the future and then will need to set an annual maintenance plan.

21 April 2020

Trip Update #4 - February 2020

Always a bit of paperwork to be done.  My Spanish is not very good but but early on one of my favorite words learned was "Ubicate", which is translated to "Locate".  So when you needed to find something you have to "ubicate" it.

And of course the location of something is the "ubicacion".

The youngest son intently doing paperwork on the front balcony of the hotel.

14 April 2020

Trip Update #3 - February 2020

Our first breakfast in town was at the public market.  Some of the most affordable meals you can find in Bluefields.  We have been going to the same stand for many years now.  It was good to see the owner and get heaping plates of food. 

The market is full of fresh produce and fresh meat that comes in directly from the jungle farms.  Always worth a wander around to see whats in season.  Its a bit dark and dingy but definitely worth checking out.  Its usually a good place to stock up before heading out to the farm for a few days.   

07 April 2020

Trip Update #2 - February 2020

After checking out of Hotel X we headed over to LaCostena to pick up our tickets.  They now have upgraded to a digital check-in system.  We bought the remaining flights for our trip, which included Big Corn, in the office which saves some online fees.  

There was a decent sized crowd of tourists flying east so we got to take the big plane.  Only a few of us got off when we landed in Bluefields, most continued onto Big Corn.  We got medically checked in Managua and in Bluefields.  They had already been preparing for the pandemic.

Finally made it to Bluefields and Caribbean Dream where we have been staying for years now.  It was nice to catch up with so many people we hadn't seen in a while.  There were some tourists staying there but not the normal number of visitors.  Hopefully that number will pick back up in the future.  

31 March 2020

Trip Update #1 - February 2020

We are back home and mostly caught up with what we can during the pandemic.  We had two family trips so far this year.  I hopefully will be able to download Mom's photos after things normalize and get some blog posts up from her trip.  Our family went down to False Bluff a few days after Mom got back.  Unfortunately with so much to do back home its difficult for everyone to visit at the same time.

It was very nice to get the family back down after having missed our last trip.  We usually fly American Air through Miami but the prices had gotten pretty high and the normal early flight was not available.  Its nice to be in Nicaragua before lunch and be able to fly LaCostena to Bluefields in the afternoon.  This trip we tried something new.  Affordable Spirit red-eye flights through Fort Lauderdale.  

Great price but hard to do with kids.

After some late night pre-flight running around with a bunch of other kids our boys finally slowed down a bit.  They stayed awake through the flight until we got to the hotel.  We stayed at the Airport Hotel X in Managua the Monte Cristo neighborhood.  Everyone finally fell asleep around 3am Managua time.  

Visiting the pet monkeys at the hotel before our LaCostena flight to Bluefields.

17 February 2020

Cabins are Closed In

Cabins are finally getting closed in.  For the most part at least.  Will still need from the wall up to the roof closed off.  Soon the interior work will begin.  

Still trying to figure out how to handle the utilities.  Even with the epoxy paint on the transformer it is still failing.  Will update on what the final decisions are.

03 February 2020

Always planting

While construction may move at a slower pace, it does give plenty of time to plant.

20 January 2020

Quality Deck Time

Going to be a good place to relax once the cabins are finished up.

06 January 2020

Building Supplies from BLU to FaB

Building in the jungle can be difficult.  Having to cross the bay, go through a couple lagoons, and up a canal can make transportation of heavy construction supplies challenging.





Boats loaded and ready for transport.

01 January 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Its been a few years since we started this family blog to document the progress of making False Bluff a reality.  The slow expansion has taken a lot of time and effort.  None of this could have been accomplished without the great people we have met and worked with in Nicaragua.  Thanks again as always.

For those of you that follow this blog or just happened across a post or two.  We hope you enjoy and gain some information.  One day we will hopefully have a place we can open up to visitors.  Please feel free to e-mail us if you have any questions.

As of today we have posted up 504 blog entries.  We have had over 210,000 total posts viewed.

Enjoy and Happy New Year

23 December 2019

South False Bluff Clearing Update

Clearing and planting South False Bluff is progressing at a steady pace.  The southern farms were purchased a few years ago before the power line had been cut through.  The vegetation was very thick and difficult to get through.  Using Google Earth we could see a very large brown area which appeared to be an estuary.  The jungle was difficult to get through and you couldn't see much of the estuary.  When the power line was cut, it opened everything up and allowed for a wide view of the estuary so you can start to get an idea of just how large it is.  

In the few years since the power line was cut you can see how quickly the vegetation has grown back up.

You can now start to see the extent of the estuary.  Hopefully one day after the trails have been cut in a nice viewing platform can also be built.

09 December 2019

The Squadron

It seems that groups of Pelicans have several names such as a pod, pouch, scoop, or a squadron.  They usually patrol in the single file line but occasionally we will see them in the V pattern.